Thursday, January 12, 2012

So you think you want to be a landscape photographer eh?

Welcome to my Blog....

As you have already guessed, my blog will mainly focus on my photography techniques which mainly focuses on Landscape Photography.   At times I may stray off topic to discuss art in general, how art can be used to enhance your photography or news items relating to photography.

So you want to be a landscape photographer eh?
Well you might just as well want to be a famous movie star or major sports figure if you plan to make a full time living at landscape photography alone.  As quality digital cameras have dropped in price the number of quality landscape photos available for purchase has soared.  Hosted by sites like,, Picasa... anyone can easily find landscape shots that will grace your home or office walls nicely.   

However this should not discourage you if you truly want to do landscape photography and at the same time it doesn't mean that capturing a quality landscape shot is without challenge.   In fact along with the advance in technology has come a significant increase in the knowledge that can and will be needed in order to create consistent quality photos.  Anyone can get lucky and get that one in a million shot, but to do it over and over takes a considerable amount of time, practice and patience.   And by that I mean you have to love doing it, beyond the point of failure.   A lot of people refer to this as talent but really what it boils down to is having such a keen interest in photography that it keeps you going back, even if you fail time after time.  Eventually you will pick up the skills and be at the right place at the right time.  

One last thing you should realize is that a great photo isn't just a summer days spent at some stunning location with a camera in hand.   Most often the best time to get dramatic scenery is during icy cold, damp, cloudy, very long days and at hours that would make even an Army drill instructor cringe.  Of the photographers I have shot alongside with, most will stand shivering or sweating while sitting on a hard rock or in a muddy bog while at the same time going without sleep, food or any sort of restroom facilities, just to get that one magical shot.   

If you're still interested.... then this is the blog for you.  

In my next post I'll go over some of the hardware and software you will want just to get started.   Don't worry, you can start out fairly cheap and work your way up as you go.
